How to Achieve a Moonshot: A Step-by-Step Guide for Turning Big Dreams into Reality

Danielle Ellis - Project Consultant ·

We’ve all heard the term “moonshot”—that big, wild goal that sounds crazy at first but gets us excited just thinking about it. Whether it's landing on the actual moon, creating the next tech breakthrough, or revolutionizing an industry, moonshots represent more than just bold ideas. They’re about pushing boundaries, taking risks, and showing the world that “impossible” is just a word.

EDSI's Role in Driving Innovation at BGCSM

Recently, EDSI’s Managing Director of Innovative Learning Solutions, Kimberly Glenn, and the ILS team partnered with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan at the 2024 Reimagine Summit in Detroit. Innovation and the pursuit of bold, ambitious goals—what are often called moonshots—are at the heart of what we do. By providing expert guidance and innovative solutions to the BGCSM, we are helping Boys and Girls Clubs leaders across the U.S. reimagine their clubs. Our goal is to empower them to harness the power of innovation, make a greater impact, put youth on a path to upward mobility, and achieve the BGCSM 50 by 50 moonshot of reducing youth poverty by 50% by 2050.

EDSI’s Innovative Learning Solutions Team at the 2024 Re-Imagine Summit hosted by The Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (Danielle Ellis, Jennifer Blanchard, Kim Glenn, Jordan Rife and Akilah Paramore)

Thank you to the Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan for involving us in this work and introducing us to your moonshot!

BGCSM’s Innovative Pathways to Youth Empowerment

Boys and Girls Clubs leaders, donors and strategic partners gathered in Detroit to witness the power of innovation and passion as they were given tours of the newly reimagined clubs in Detroit. Within a five-year span, BGCSM completely transformed what used to be desolate buildings with limited resources to state-of-the-art clubs that not only provide a safe space for youth, but also introduce them to a pathway to careers. In partnership with experts and professionals across multiple industries, BGCSM now offers Industry Clubs that allow youth to develop the hands-on skills and talents needed to enter the fields of Fashion, Behavioral Health, Tech and Design. These clubs are intended to increase capital in our youth, thus battling poverty at the root level. (See our Infographic below for more information on capital.)

Jordan and BGC student pic
Senior Instructional Designer, Jordan Rife, speaking with Boys and Girls Club Member, Timothy, who participated in the 2023 autonomous racing competition in Abu Dabi.
Jennifer B ILS Team at BGC Summit pic
EDSI’s Instructional Designer, Jennifer Blanchard, talking with a BGCSM club member about her work and experience in the Behavioral Health Industry Club.

Fueled by passion, unwavering dedication, and a bold commitment to disruption, The Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan is on an ambitious journey to cut youth poverty by 50% by 2050. However, this moonshot cannot be achieved without an intentional plan. Let’s explore eight steps you can take to achieve your own moonshot!

Step 1: Dream Big, Then Dream Even Bigger

Every moonshot starts with a bold vision. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan’s CEO, Shawn Wilson, joined the organization with a mindset to disrupt. It’s important to think beyond the obvious and dream of what could be possible if there were no limits. Ask yourself, "What would be the most ambitious goal we could set for our organization?" Once you've identified that, take it a step further. Push the boundaries of your imagination and dream even bigger. This is your North Star—the guiding vision that will drive you forward.

Step 2: Create a Culture for Innovation

Innovation doesn’t happen by accident. It thrives in environments where creativity is nurtured, and failure is seen as part of the learning process. Shawn Wilson did not embark on this journey alone, nor did he come in with all the answers. He relied heavily on the thoughts and experiences of the incumbent staff to identify opportunities for change. To create a culture of innovation in your organization, start by giving your team the freedom to experiment and explore new ideas. Encourage risk-taking and reward creativity, even if it doesn’t always lead to immediate success. Think of it as creating a playground where your team feels safe to try new things, learn from mistakes, and continuously improve.

Step 3: Celebrate the Small Wins

Moonshots aren’t achieved overnight. They’re the result of small, incremental steps that eventually lead to a bigger breakthrough. While reimagining the clubs was the path chosen to achieve the moonshot, the Southeastern Michigan staff wanted to start small by solving one of their biggest challenges: transportation. Many of the Youth were unable to take advantage of the club offerings due to a lack of transportation. With intentional focus, BGCSM was able to generate enough funding to invest in a fleet of buses bringing them one step closer to their vision. It is important to recognize and celebrate progress at every stage of the journey. When your team hits a milestone, acknowledge it—whether with a quick shout-out, a celebratory email, or even a team gathering! These moments of celebration will keep spirits high and help maintain momentum as you work toward the larger goal.

Step 4: Get Your Operations in Order

Achieving a moonshot requires operational excellence. Your vision may be bold, but you need a solid foundation to support it. Start by taking a close look at your current processes. Are they streamlined and efficient, or are there bottlenecks that could slow you down? Shawn Wilson reviewed the operational processes as well as the staffing structure and began to make changes like bringing in Chief Program Officer, Alise Dixon. With a background in program design, bringing Alise onboard was a game changer. With her leadership and guidance, BGCSM developed Industry Clubs with five areas of capital: human, cultural, economic, social and wellness. Invest time in optimizing your operations, making sure that every part of your organization is running smoothly and aligned with your overall moonshot strategy. A strong operational framework and leadership team will keep you on track as you move toward your big goal.

Step 5: Get Everyone on Board- Don’t expect everyone to buy-in

A moonshot is a team effort. To succeed, you need buy-in from every department and every level of the organization. Start by clearly communicating your vision to the entire team. Explain the "why" behind the moonshot and how each person’s role contributes to the overall success. During a panel discussion at the summit, BGCSM leadership were asked what ultimately led them to buy into the vision of reimagining the clubs. What all panel members shared was that it was Shawn’s transparency and the fact that he asked for their ideas, opinions and thoughts. But BGCSM staff were not the only stakeholders that needed to buy-in. One of Shawn’s biggest challenges was getting the executive board to support his vision. By providing a clear vision and full transparency at every stage, Shawn was able to get buy-in from several stakeholders. So be sure to encourage cross-functional collaboration, bring together people from different areas of the business to share ideas, work together, and generate innovative solutions. The more united your team is, the more powerful your moonshot effort will be.

Greg McPherson, VP of Foundation and Institutional Relations, and Esther Kyte, VP of Resource Development providing an overview of the newly re-imagined clubs for Boys and Girls Clubs Leaders

Step 6: Prepare for Curveballs (And Embrace Them)

No moonshot is without its challenges. Reimagining the Boys and Girls Clubs required lots of additional funding and resources that were unavailable at the start of this journey. This led to tough decisions such as closing clubs that didn't fit the vision. This was no easy decision as it meant removing what some still believed was an important resource despite its aesthetics. As you pursue your ambitious goal, you’re bound to encounter obstacles and setbacks. The key is to stay flexible and resilient. Shawn Wilson’s philosophy was “if it is not good enough for my kids then it is not good enough for any kid" so he used this opportunity to develop a new strategy for serving those same communities in a more efficient way. With strategic fundraising and the newly added transportation services, youth were able access the nearest clubs. When something doesn’t go as planned, don’t view it as a failure—see it as an opportunity to learn and pivot. Every challenge brings with it a chance to refine your approach and make your final success even more meaningful.

Step 7: Leverage EDSI’s Innovative Learning Solutions

At EDSI, we help organizations implement moonshot changes by providing a structured framework for learning and growth. Our Innovative Learning Solutions are designed to equip your team with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to achieve ambitious goals. Here’s how it works:

  • Customized Learning Solutions: We customize our learning programs to fit your organization's specific needs and objectives. Whether it’s leadership development, technical skills training, or fostering a culture of innovation, we provide the tools your team needs to succeed.
  • Scalable Programs: Our learning solutions are scalable, ensuring that whether you’re a small team or a large organization, everyone is aligned and equipped to pursue your moonshot.
  • Real-World Applications: Our framework emphasizes practical, hands-on learning. We ensure that your team can immediately apply what they’ve learned to real-world challenges, accelerating progress toward your big goals. We meet your people where they are at, and help them get where you want them to go by focusing on the problems and challenges they encounter in the real world.
  • Continuous Improvement: We don’t just provide one-time training; we foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement. This ensures your team is always evolving and growing as you work toward your moonshot.

Whether you need a formal training program, organizational culture change, strategic planning, or edutainment, we've got you covered and will collaboratively work with you to support the achievement of your moonshot.

EDSI’s, Kim Glenn, facilitating Innovative Learning activities to help guide the Boys and Girls Clubs Leaders through the design methods needed to begin re-imagining their local clubs across the nation.

Step 8: Celebrate Your Moonshot Success

When you finally achieve your moonshot—whether it’s a groundbreaking innovation, a major industry shift, or reaching a previously unattainable goal—don’t forget to celebrate. Recognize the hard work, the dedication, and the persistence that got you there. Share the victory with your team and use it as fuel for your next big challenge. As a result of BGCSMs success, The Boys and Girls Clubs of America, along with key strategic partners, sponsored the 2024 Reimagine Summit which has positioned BGCSM as pioneers of the nationwide club reimagining and the 50 by 50 Moonshot.

This infographic highlights the five key areas of capital—cultural, social, human, economic, and wellness—that collectively shape our ability to succeed and thrive. Each area plays a crucial role in driving personal and societal growth, and combined can improve economic mobility for youth.

"The five areas of capital—cultural, social, human, economic, and wellness—are not just individual components; they are the foundation for economic mobility in our youth. By nurturing these areas, we empower young people with the resources, networks, and skills they need to break barriers and build a future full of opportunities."

-Kim Glenn, Managing Director, Innovative Learning Solutions

Achieving a moonshot isn’t just about setting an audacious goal—it’s about taking deliberate, strategic steps to turn that vision into reality. By following these steps and leveraging EDSI’s Innovative Learning Solutions, you can build the foundation for success and empower your organization to reach new heights. So go ahead—dream big, execute smart, and show the world what’s possible when you commit to achieving your moonshot.

To learn more about how EDSI can support your journey, email Kim Glenn at today or fill out the form below to take the first step toward making your vision a reality!