Integrating Mental Health First Aid into EDSI’s Wellness to Work Initiative

Jill Monte - Content Specialist ·

At EDSI, the well-being of both our staff and the communities we serve is paramount. Through the Wellness to Work initiative, we emphasize the importance of staff well-being, understanding that when our team members are at their healthiest, they are best positioned to deliver exceptional service to our customers. This holistic approach to wellness fosters a culture of self-awareness, growth, and empowerment within our organization. Read more about the Wellness to Work initiative here.

As part of this commitment to wellness, Behavioral Health Associates (BHAs) have been delivering Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training across the company. This nationally recognized, evidence-based program equips our team with the knowledge and skills necessary to support individuals facing mental health and substance use challenges.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

MHFA is a comprehensive course that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults. The training covers a range of crucial topics, including:

  • Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges: Recognizing early indicators can lead to timely support and intervention
  • Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges: Understanding these signs helps in addressing issues before they escalate
  • How to interact with a person in crisis: Effective communication strategies are vital when someone is experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis
  • How to connect a person with help: Providing information on resources and support systems ensures individuals receive the necessary assistance
  • Expanded content on trauma, substance use, and self-care: The course also delves into the impacts of trauma, ways to support those with substance use challenges, and the importance of self-care for caregivers
Wilkes-Barre, PA Mental Health First Aid training session is complete

Why Mental Health First Aid?

When it comes to mental health, the gap in our response compared to physical health emergencies is striking. According to "Most of us would know how to help if we saw someone having a heart attack—we’d start CPR, or at the very least, call 911. But too few of us would know how to respond if we saw someone having a panic attack or were concerned that a friend or coworker might be showing signs of alcohol use disorder." 1

Effective communication is key to supporting mental health, and as emphasized by experts: “When more people are equipped with the tools to start a dialogue, more people can get the help they need. Mental Health First Aiders are a vital link, connecting those experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge with appropriate support.” 2

This vital link not only connects individuals to the support they need but also enhances the overall well-being of those we serve. By fostering open communication and understanding, we can better address the challenges our customers face, paving the way for their success.

As Shay Jones Vitale, Behavioral Health Coordinator, highlights: “Supporting an individual’s overall wellness is an important aspect of workforce readiness. When we aim to understand our customers’ needs and how to effectively address their challenges, we are better equipped to support their success.”

Ongoing Progress

The MHFA training began in Luzerne County, facilitating five sessions in two offices (Wilkes-Barre and Hazleton). A total of 39 staff members received their 3-year Mental Health First Aid Certification. These sessions have laid a strong foundation for staff to effectively support each other and clients.

Future Plans

Building on the success of the current training, EDSI plans to extend MHFA training to the Schuylkill County (Pottsville) office in the fall. Additionally, EDSI’s Learning and Development specialists are in the process of becoming certified MHFA Instructors. This will enable them to lead future training sessions, ensuring that all staff members have access to this essential education.

Hazleton, PA Behavioral Health Staff during a MHFA training session

Participant Testimonials

Staff members who completed the Mental Health First Aid training shared their experiences and the impact it has had on their roles at EDSI:

“I found this course to be a great refresher, as well as an informative session for how to approach and respond to sensitive topics and best assist individuals while maintaining safety for all. I learned how to approach individuals who are experiencing concerns and difficulties with their mental health, the role that a Mental Health First Aider has- what they should ‘do’ and ‘not do’, and to remember that assessment is a constant throughout the process.”
Pauline Rinehimer, Business Services Representative- Wilkes Barre, PA

"The Mental Health First Aid training exposed me to issues I was not aware of, which has been invaluable in my role managing staff, including those from EDSI. I've learned to use more appropriate terms and have become more sensitive to staff members experiencing mental health challenges. This training has better equipped me to support my team effectively."
Christine Jensen, PA CareerLink Administrator- Luzerne County, PA

Through MHFA training, EDSI is fostering an environment of understanding and compassion, empowering staff to make a positive difference in the lives of those served. As this program continues to expand, all staff members are encouraged to take part and support their colleagues and clients in meaningful ways. By embedding these initiatives within the company culture, EDSI reaffirms its commitment to mental health and well-being, ensuring a supportive and informed workplace for all.

Sources: 1 ( 2 (

Want to learn more about MHFA or bring this training to your region? Fill out the form below and a team member will reach out to you.