Our Core Values

Show Up · Smile · Support

Show Up, Smile, Support

EDSI's CEO, Kevin Schnieders, shares a bit about the culture at EDSI and how three simple phrases - show up, smile, support - help to guide the organization.

Leadership Excellence Podcast with Danny Langloss - Featuring Kevin Schnieders
The Toni Cooper Show - Interview with Kevin Schnieders of EDSI
Kevin Schnieders Speaks on Leadership Development
The EDSI Way

The EDSI Impact

At EDSI, we feel the special combination of the 3 P's - People, Process and Perspective, make us unique:


EDSI representatives embody our mission. They see through the customer's eyes. We want to understand the most important aspects of any project and exceed prescribed goals and expectations. We want to make a difference. We want to be there when we are needed the most, for people and companies in transition.


Process has always been extremely important to us at EDSI. Dating back to the first time we received our ISO certification, more than 20 years ago, we acknowledge that what gets measured gets improved. The standard processes establish a baseline of behavior that is continuously improved.


We believe the best decisions can be made by listening to different perspectives and incorporating the very best ideas from local, regional and national viewpoints. Our local offices know they can call upon experts that are available to support their efforts. You see things differently when you work ON local efforts, as opposed to IN the local office environment. The combination of those two perspectives leads to powerful solutions.