What is this page for?
This page will help you log into UKG, whether you have an EDSI e-mail address or an e-mail address associated with a funder.
Who can I contact for support with UKG?
If you are having any issues logging in, or need any assistance with UKG, please submit a support ticket. Someone from the EDSI UKG team will be happy to help you. Please be sure to select UKG in the dropdown in the support request.
UKG Log-In Tutorials
Please be sure to read the video descriptions below.
Single Sign On (SSO) For EDSI E-Mail Addresses
If you have an EDSI e-mail address, watch this UKG login video.
UKG Link - https://edsi.ultipro.com
I recommend bookmarking this exact link above.
Direct Login for Funder E-Mail Addresses
If you have an e-mail associated with a funder (non-EDSI e-mail address), please watch this login video.
UKG Link - https://ew46.ultipro.com
As the video states, your UKG login is "EDSI" followed by your 7 digit employee number. If your employee ID number is less than 7 digits, add a zero(es) at the beginning.
Bookmarking UKG can be difficult since different EDSI locations use different links, and if you are one who uses your EDSI login for UKG access, bookmarking that site can also be difficult.
Please use the following link as a bookmark if you wish! Just click on the proper login box on the page to access UKG everytime.
BOOKMARK ME!UKG Training Videos
Once logging into UKG, please visit EDSIyou to view a collection of UKG training videos. EDSIyou is available on the UKG Hub.